Wednesday, March 10, 2010

food enablers/ sabotagers

My first bitch is about the food people. Food people think that if you do not eat fast food or sugar or various other poisons you are depriving yourself.

You know what? Eat a cock. YOU ARE DEPRIVING YOURSELF! You are depriving your body of essential vitamins and fiber. You are depriving your mind of the stability that comes from a low sugar diet. You are depriving your life by maintaining your obesity and limiting your lifestyle. You are buying into the corporate propaganda that says in order to be happy you must have a happy meal, in order for food to be fast it must come out of a box, in order to get nutrients we must first strip food of its nutrients and then artificially add them back in with vitamins obtained from petroleum by products.

If you want to eat that shit I say go ahead, I won't stop you, enjoy. Hell I might even have a drink of soda now or then myself. BUT DO NOT ACT LIKE I AM DEPRIVING MYSELF BECAUSE I REFUSE TO PUT THAT GARBAGE IN MY BODY. It is my choice just like you driving through the mcdonalds drive through is yours.

suck it.

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